building bridges of connection from this world to the next 

As an Evidential Spirit Medium and Psychic, I connect to the souls of the living and the deceased - bringing through detailed, evidence-based information that opens up the door to connection, healing, guidance, and support.

I believe we all have these inner capabilities. It’s through the awareness and refinement of this communication, unique to each of us, that we can live with more spiritual wisdom and trust in the path we walk and the support from our connections here and there.

Since 2020, I’ve been honored to read with accuracy, heart, and detail for more than 900 people from all over the world including from the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Russia, Kuwait, India, Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico. I’ve received training from some of the best tutors domestically and internationally in the lineage of the Journey Within Spiritualist Church and the Arthur Findlay College of the U.K.

Whether you are dealing with more immediate grief over the loss of a loved one, or seeking clarity of the heart and soul purpose, it’s my honor to connect you with Spirit to enhance your life and your paths forward.


Psychic Reading

  • Gain clarity and guidance with a psychic reading. This reading type connects to verifiable information about situations in your current life - including work/career, relationships, family, health, love, finances, etc. Once we confirm that we are in fact connecting soul-to-soul, this reading will provide predictions for your foreseeable future. You are welcome to ask questions during this reading type to gain insight into your heart’s need. Remember, the reading provided covers your current state. You always have free will and the ability to choose differently for yourself.

Soul Reading

  • A soul reading addresses the arc of your soul's journey in your present life. Past life information may also come through. This reading type addresses gifts, challenges, and growth points of your current soul journey. This reading type is wonderful for providing clarity on major life themes and storylines where you may be seeking healing or affirmation.

Mediumship Reading

  • Mediumship readings build a bridge of communication between a loved one in spirit and you! I’ll be working to bring through evidence you can understand — details about their personality, relationship, your connection to them, memories, and relevant messages. This reading type speaks to the heart! It’s a joy communicate with your loved ones!

30 mins — $60

45 mins — $90

Classes, Demonstrations & Events

  • Looking to learn the language of Spirit and develop your own capacity for communication? I offer personalized classes to introduce you to the process and help with skill development practice and support in mediumship and psychic development. Reach out for more info on a custom designed program for you!

Mentorship & Development

Small Groups & Demonstrations

  • Experiencing mediumship in a group is a powerful way of connecting to wider perspective from Spirit. I offer small group demonstrations where we connect to your loved ones in a group of your friends or family in person or for large groups online.

Fore more information, contact

My story with spirit…

My awareness of Spirit began when I was a young child. With surprising lucidity my earliest memory was of being face-to-face with my mom learning my body parts - eyes, nose, ears, mouth — and thinking “how did I end up back here learning this again in a new body?”

Growing up, when my Bubbie was preparing to pass from cancer, my mother and I sat by her bedside in hospice and asked her if she would come back to visit us. She answered us back sweetly and sheepishly, “Well, if I can…?” as if she hadn’t ever considered the possibility of it before.

That summer at my sister’s graduation — which my Bubbie hadn’t made it to see — she sent many signs of her presence — the type of inarguable ones that strike the chords of the heart with its own depth of knowing. At the moment one of the students on stage recited a poem that my Bubbie had mailed us before she passed (& not the usual, expected, future-praise poems read at most high school graduations…) -- the sky cleared from all-day rain and a lightness came. She answered.

As is the way of life, more close family members passed — some in timing that felt expected, though no less hard — and young friends and partners of mine too — in ways that were too soon and tragic and that felt unfair.

In grieving, we cling to the love we had for those relationships and the times we shared. We pepper the void with questions - where some answers return like a boomerang warped and in their own time - of ‘why’s’ and the wanting to know if they are ok, if they hurt no longer, and if they still see us here going on living, scraping together our hurts and hearts in the effort to remember to live with love.

In 2020, right before the pandemic, I heard deeply from within that it was time to receive and develop my mediumship - the sensitivity I’ve always had. And in the crucible of pandemic, by Zoom, and in connection with people all over the world (a common story), — we sat and read and got to know each other’s loved ones and how they communicate so generously in order to bring their love and stories, their personalities, and shared memories forward to be claimed by their living.

It’s my sincere and humble joy to participate in these conversations as a medium — to experience the miracle of reunion with every shade of emotion that comes. It’s my belief that these conversations provide a space for healing unlike many others — where the unseen becomes seen again, painted back into life in the most brilliant colors of connection.

May your heart have the healing it requires to live an enspirited life,


To get the most out of your reading…

  • Please be in a quiet, comfortable, and distraction-free space for your session. Please test Zoom beforehand to make sure you have the latest downloadable version and good audio. You may also want to have a glass of water and tissues handy. You are welcome to take notes and record if you’d like for your own use and not to be shared further online. Please also spend some time to connect with your heart and your intention for the reading which raises the energy.

  • During a reading, we’ll work to bring through evidence of your present life, your loved ones in spirit, or information of your soul’s journey. It’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to the information that comes through. Sometimes it may not be immediately verifiable to you but can be checked with other family members later or occur to you at a later date. These can often be extra special moments when Spirit brings through information you may not know just yet or has yet to happen. I’ll check in with you throughout the reading to verify information shared. Please just validate with “yes, no, maybe, or I’m not sure” and please refrain from providing additional information so you can be sure that the information coming through is clear for you.

  • Spirit determines who has a need to come forward for you. Occasionally this may be different than who you’ve intended or desired. Please be open minded to receive what is being shared from Spirit. In the event that who is coming through is harmful and not desired for that reason, we can allow other communicator forward. In the case of sensitive information coming through, I’ll be sure to check in with you on your readiness or comfort level in receiving what is being shared from Spirit. You always have the right to decline. Just because a person is in spirit does not make them more wise. Remember you always have free will and the ability to make your own decisions for your life.

  • Yes, you are welcome to take notes and record for your personal use.

  • Occasionally, it happens that we may not be able to bring through a recognizable communicator for you. If after the first 10 minutes we are not able to facilitate a connection, I will refund your order. I want you to be satisfied with receiving information from a verifiable connection for you.

  • Your appointment time is held for you. Payment for reading is due upon scheduling to reserve the appointment. No refunds are offered for missed appointments. If you are needing to reschedule, you are required to provide 24 hours of advanced notice.

  • "Thank you Alyssa for connecting me with my nephew Tim. You were so accurate with so many things and I appreciate your sensitivity and gift. "

    Liz M., mediumship reading

  • "My favorite part of the session was when you told me exactly what I needed to hear, and actually wanted to hear, though I did not know it. I was very impressed that you picked up on so many things about me and I also felt very comfortable with your demeanor and energy that you give off. You are really good at this."

    Melanie W., soul reading

  • "Omg. Alyssa. After your reading the other night I went to my friend's house on the coast. She's a new friend and I'd never been to her place. She has a beautiful house in the woods with a magical wraparound porch like the one you described in the reading. We were sitting on the porch talking about art and business and she suggested that I stay there for a couple weeks or month for an artist residency. It was just like you said, very surreal."

    Jaimee G., psychic reading on career path

  • "I wanted to thank you for the reading. Since then I have gotten up a couple times in the wee hours and painted. I'm painting a little during the day too. Finishing pieces, continuing works in progress and starting new pieces."

    Julie L. psychic reading & recommendations for breaking out of artistic slump